kshWeb |
Products and Services |
100% Spam Free E-mail Business Card File Data Entry System |
Korn Shell Books |
Free E-mail
YourName@ UnixGuru.zzn.com YourName@ UnixWizard.zzn.com YourName@ MCSE.zzn.com ... and many others!!! |
Korn Shell Function Library at Mt Xia | Large collection of Korn Shell commands and functions including shell curses, frenchMenus, K93_Unix, and many, many others. | ||
Shell Curses and French Menus |
Shell Implementation of the UNIX Curses Library. Provides Screen addressing capabilities to the Shell Programmer. Comes with Menuing and data management system and complete source code. Alternate Download Site |
kshEngine |
Web Site Generator. Automatically and dynamically generates complete web sites from Unix directory and file system structure. Configurable, written in korn shell, complete source Code. |
kshSchedule |
Web Based Reservation / Scheduling Software. Configurable, written in korn shell, complete source Code. Reserve or Schedule Items such as conference rooms, office equipment, computers, etc. |
kshEvents |
Web Based Events Calendar. Configurable, written in korn shell, complete source Code. Users may submit events. Calendars can be open to all or moderated. Ability to mark holidays and special days. |
kshMenus |
Web Based Menuing and Data Management System. Provides Web based Menuing, Data Entry, and Web Database Program Generator. This system allows a user to create web based menus and data entry screens. Data is stored in an internal database or sent to a user supplied backend script. System can generate Database programs based on user supplied menu and data entry prompts. |
kshAddURL |
This program provides the ability to submit a URL to any number of Search Engine Indices. It comes preprogrammed with the ability to submit to several Indices, and the user may add as many Indices as desired. kshMenus is required to run this application and must be installed first. A browser capable of retrieving a single URL and sending the output to "Standard Output" is also required. By default, the browser is set to "Lynx", but any application or script may be specified. A small Perl script browser called "url_get" is included with this system, but "Lynx" is recommended. |
kshNoSpam |
This program provides a SPAM filter and reflection mechanism for unwanted Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE). The SPAM filter is referenced in the sendmail aliases file and when a SPAM message is detected, it is automatically reflected back to a list of preprogramed receipients. The preprogrammed receipients are maintained in a reflection database which contains information about SPAM identifing phrases and spammers e-mail addresses. Spam is detected by searching through each incomming message for "SPAM" phrases. When a SPAM message is detected, the spammer is identified, and the message is reflected back to the e-mail addresses associated with that spammer. I am planning on providing a monthly newsletter which will provide updates to the reflection database. kshMenus is required to run this application and must be installed first. This program also assumes that it is running on a Unix SMTP Gateway. |
kshContact |
This program is similar to a company rolodex except that it generates web accessible documents which can be linked into any other document on the Internet or Intranet. The web based personnel list documents include name, address, phone, FAX, pager, email, URL, etc. The list is generated in a tabular format and contain links to an automated paging system. Using a web browser, a user can click on a "pager" link and automatically send a digital or alpha-numeric page to anyone on the list. kshMenus is required to run this application and must be installed first. The communications program "Kermit" is also required to implement the paging capabilities of this system. The Kermit Unix Binaries can be retrieved from the following URL: http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ck60ubin.html#list Kermit is used as the communication mechanism with a locally attached modem to send messages to digital or alpha-numeric pagers. The "pager" jobs can be queued to a local job spooler for execution. The job spooler usually consists of a special interface to the line printer system. |
kshLink |
Web Based Communications Control System. Provides the ability to configure, control, record, and report on communication sessions between computers. Communication Sessions include file transfers, print jobs, remotely executed commands, remotely scheduled commands, software updates, and Operating System updates. Can be remotely configured and operated using Web Interface. Operates over TCP/IP or UUCP. |
kshBackup |
Web Based Automated Backup system for LAN/WAN attached system. Provides the ability to perform backups of remotely attached systems to a local device. Desktop user may provide backup information such as a local directory and attachement method. Central System reads user supplied info and performs backup on Central backup device. |
kshInstall |
kshInstall is a generic installation program which utilizes shell curses and FrenchMenus. It can be configured to be the installation process for any Unix program or package by providing a character based menuing and data entry interface. This program is used as the installation process for kshEvents, kshSchedule, kshMenus and all its subprograms. |
shql DBMS |
Shql is a database management system written in bourne shell with an "Ingres" like interface. It reads SQL commands interactively and executes those commands by creating and manipulating Unix files. Shql was written by Bruce Momjian |
kshSQL is a conversion of shql into Korn shell. It runs 30%-40% faster than shql. Like it's Bourne shell counterpart, kshSQL is a database management system with an "Ingres" like interface. It reads SQL commands interactively and executes those commands by creating and manipulating Unix files.
was written by Dana French |
shutils |
An archive of 65 small shell utilities and programs. |
getch Shell Function |
Korn Shell function to read one character from standard input (STDIN) without requiring a carriage return. This function would typically be used in a shell script to detect a key press. |
kshSpider |
This script performs WWW crawling or spidering, which means that it will to go a specified URL and crawl through the web site detecting other pages and links. The output of this program is a list of URL's. The character based WWW browser Lynx is required to run this application and must be installed first. |
ftpSpider |
This script performs FTP site crawling or spidering, which means that it will to go a specified URL and crawl through the FTP site detecting child directories. The output of this program is a list of FTP directories. The character based WWW browser Lynx is required to run this application and must be installed first. |
mkdlbat.sh Shell Script |
This script generates a DOS batch file to FTP download an entire Unix directory structure including all files. |
isLeap Shell Function |
Korn Shell function to determine whether or not a specified 4 digit year is a leap year. This function is designed to return the result as the return status of the function. The isLeap function returns 0 if the year is a leap year, and 1 if it is not a leap year. |
cgiparse Shell Function |
Korn Shell function to parse CGI form variables and values. Processes a standard input stream and provides as output the processed stream, one variable/value pair per line. Also evaluates the variable/value pair so that subsequent commands can reference the CGI specified variables. |
O'Reilly's Unix Power Tools Script Archive |
These files are from the second edition of "UNIX Power Tools." If you have the book's first edition, you'll find that some of these files are different: there were updates, additions, and deletions. The Web page http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/upt2/examples/ has a clickable interface that includes descriptions of these files. |
etSensor |
SNMP Manageable, Ethernet attachable, WWW configurable, environment sensors. These devices provide the ability to monitor temperature, pressure, load, flow etc. from devices which plug directly into your ethernet hub. Each device provides measurement information through SNMP to network monitoring stations such as HP Openview. Each device also provides a WWW interface for configuration and real-time information viewing/gathering. |
MicroEMACS |
Unofficial MicroEMACS web site. Contains MicroEMACS binary executable programs for a wide variety of operating systems. Also contains documentation in a wide variety of formats. |
Earn income from your Web site |
Good deal on Virtual Web servers. Not the lowest priced but provides the best services. Services such as e-mail addresses, spam blockers, cgi-bin directory, on-line backup and restore, SSL encryption, bulletin boards, autoresponders and much more. They also pay you to become one of their account executives and market web sites just like this. Check it out. |
Earn income from your Web Site |
Cut rate long-distance service. Go to this site to see how you can earn extra income from your web site. |
Business Card File Data Entry System |
Korn Shell Books |
Free E-mail
YourName@ UnixGuru.zzn.com YourName@ UnixWizard.zzn.com YourName@ MCSE.zzn.com ... and many others!!! |
For Information regarding this page, contact Dana French ( dfrench@mtxia.com )