
kshWeb kshNoSpam
Real-Time Spam Filter


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kshNoSpam: This program provides a SPAM filter and reflection mechanism for unwanted Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE). The SPAM filter is referenced in the sendmail aliases file and when a SPAM message is detected, it is automatically reflected back to a list of preprogramed receipients. The preprogrammed receipients are maintained in a reflection database which contains information about SPAM identifing phrases and spammers e-mail addresses. Spam is detected by searching through each incomming message for "SPAM" phrases. When a SPAM message is detected, the spammer is identified, and the message is reflected back to the e-mail addresses associated with that spammer. I am planning on providing a monthly newsletter which will provide updates to the reflection database.

Sample screens can be viewed at menulist_2015.html . These screens consist of an application which was built using kshMenus. To navigate through the screens, go to menulist_2015.html then press the "kshNoSpam" button. From that point just press the desired menu button.

kshNoSpam has been tested and confirmed operational on the following systems:

This is certainly NOT all inclusive. These are the systems to which I have access. I suspect that kshNoSpam will run on most unix platforms.

kshNoSpam is written in Korn shell scripts which makes it portable to virtually any Unix platform and you get the source code. Also, you do not need to maintain any additional, non-standard command interpreters, such as perl, since Korn is shipped as a standard shell with most Unix systems. The Korn shell scripts run as cgi programs on your web server.


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For Information regarding this page, contact Dana French ( dfrench@mtxia.com )